Bunnymen romance

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Bunnymen romance

Postby Kounelaki » Sat Sep 02, 2023 6:51 am

I’d been told Shelagh’s favourite band was Echo and the Bunnymen, so I’d visited the British Film Institute to look for a particular DVD with an Echo and the Bunnymen soundtrack.

https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyl ... elagh-tony

Nice one, Tony.
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Re: Bunnymen romance

Postby fat cherry » Sun Sep 03, 2023 4:49 am

Absolutely. I met a nice lady at a mac solo gig back in the 00's. Went out for a bit. On the other hand, also during the wilderness years on a first date with another old gal I mentioned something about a 'favourite band' and said lady replied with 'favourite band? How old are you? '. So knew that wasn't going anywhere, and made a mental note to self about rewording. Took present Mrs FC to the Albert Hall ocean rain gig and she's still here, so you know......... TMI?
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Re: Bunnymen romance

Postby Kounelaki » Thu Sep 07, 2023 6:14 am

fat cherry wrote:Took present Mrs FC to the Albert Hall ocean rain gig and she's still here

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Re: Bunnymen romance

Postby tapebias » Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:08 pm

I took my girlfriend to Glasgow BL in 1985, split up 2 months later haha. Was a very good gig regardless.
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Re: Bunnymen romance

Postby Dave Smith » Sat Sep 23, 2023 4:10 am

Took my then gf to 5 Mac gigs on the Candleland tour
Think this ended it lolol

Also took my now Swedish wife to Bunnymen at Buxton Opera house few years ago.Had seats infront of the PA lolol."that was a miserable band ' .Bonus now went to Liverpool last Saturday with my mate watching football and getting pissed before the show with wife's full support. "You go ..YOU go"
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